Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pee and the Tree

Wonders why it is that we can all go to the bathroom just before we get outside, yet the minute we get outside, A needs to pee?  And, he needs to pee on a tree.  I mean, I know it is a man thing because I've peed outside and let me tell you, its no fun and its hard work.  I don't find it liberating at all.  But, A just loves it.

It all started when we were at an ice cream shop with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew.  A suddenly needed to pee and there was no bathroom.  So, my brother-in-law showed him how to pee outside.  It was instant love.  From that point on, when he was outside, he dropped his pants and peed, wherever he was, it made no difference.  He has peed outside at my sister's house and my house, at numerous parks and at his school. 

So one time, he was at our house when he decided he needed to pee.  As a side note, I'm grateful we have a 6 foot tall wooden fence so our neighbors don't see him peeing all over the place.  He dropped his pants and started to pee.  J told him he had to pee on the tree.  So, he raced over and peed on the tree.

Due to this fact, we now have trees with different purposes.  We have a climbing tree and a peeing tree.  Fortunately, they are easy to tell apart.  The climbing tree can be climbed.  The peeing tree has no branches for a good 15-20 feet up. 

Now, unfortunately, my daughter also wants to pee outside.  And, she wants to pee standing up and get her pee on the tree.  I've tried holding her so she could pee through my arms (I'm a great mom, most wouldn't risk getting peed on like this), she was NOT happy.  I tried explaining anatomy so she understood why she couldn't pee like A.  This just resulted in her screaming at the top of her lungs while crying, "I want a PENIS!"  I tried just letting her pee, but the pee went down not on the tree, which left her unhappy again.  I think that penis envy is due to the peeing outside issue.


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