Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kindergarten Orientation

Today was kindergarten orientation.  My son attends a school that is different than his base school, so I've spent a LOT of time in this school observing prior to his placement meeting.  I walk in, all the staff know who I am.  Several of them came up to me and told me I looked familiar.  I told them that I was there for a visitation.  They all remembered me from this (so much so that they even remember A's name).  Now, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but we'll see.

So, at this point, I'll be honest.  I only attended orientation because I want the teachers to see that I am involved.  I want them to know that they can talk to me about A and that they shouldn't try to screw him over because I'll know.  So, for those of you that have never attended orientation, I'll sum it up for you.  For 1 hour, I sat in a chair clearly too small for me.  I listened to the teachers tell me about their curriculum and suggestions for how to work with your kid to teach them things they should know prior to kindergarten.  I listened to their social worker and psychologist describe several of their programs they do for kids needing help with socialization (their programs are impressive actually) and I listened to the principal tell us her background (brag about her accomplishments really) and tell us how great the school is.  I can say that due to my observations, I know that they do what they say they do, so that is great.  Orientation was dismissed and off I went to my car.  CRAP!  You know what information I wasn't given--WHAT TIME DOES SCHOOL START AND END!  How do you offer orientation and not give that valuable information? 

So, now that I'm oriented to the curriculum, I just need to get oriented to what time school starts.  Then, kindergarten, here we come! 

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