Friday, May 21, 2010


C is obsessed with babies.  It is venturing on unhealthy obsession.  She has a ridiculous number of babies.  She has baby Tracy, baby Mia, a few babies with no names, and at school, she has "brown baby".  Brown baby looks identical to Baby Tracy, except she is brown and Tracy is white.  She doesn't want just any baby though, she wants her baby to be a cloth body and a plastic head AND the baby must be naked. 

She plays with babies every chance she gets and always wants more babies.  It is getting to be warm enough here to open our "play room" which is really our three-season porch.  So, yesterday, we opened up the play room and went out there.  it was the first time in awhile when the kids got to see some toys.  One of those toys, as you might have guessed, was a baby!

Now, this wasn't any baby this was MY baby.  The baby I had growing up.  My mom had my baby's "skin" redone because she had deteriorated and gave it back to me this year.  I love this baby.  Her name was Samantha (you know, from Who's the Boss).  C sees her and immediately goes and picks her up.  She was in love (Baby Samantha has a plastic head and arms and a cloth body). 

Ok, so C is playing with my baby, no biggie.  The problem--she renamed her.  She calls her Baby Shannon.  I tried to convince her the baby's name is Samantha, but she simply says that it isn't true and calls her Baby Shannon. 

It seems all kind of wrong to me that she commandeered my baby and renamed her.  I mean, Baby Samantha has been named Samantha for years and years.  I'm not sure how long, but I'm 32, so quite some time. 

I'm hopeful she doesn't get too attached to Samantha/Shannon because I'd like her not to be ruined.  Of course, thinking about it seems silly.  I mean, the only reason to keep the doll is for my kids to use.  It could be cool if my kid's kids use the same doll (I wonder what they'll  name her though).  But, selfishly, I think, that she is mine and I want her back.  But, then I think that would eventually make me the old creepy lady that pretends they have a baby with a baby doll.  And, that is creepy.  So, somehow I'll have to come up with a way to deal with C taking over my baby.  I'm sure that one day I'll even think it is really sweet that C has taken over my baby.  But until then, I really want to hide her so C can't find her

1 comment:

  1. that is freaking funny. CJ now sleeps with my teddy bear, who remained nameless for 34 years. CJ named him Sweetie. Which is ok with me.
